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Clue Guide [10.25.2024]


Royal Clue Scroll Guide

Dig Clues

Dig in the middle of the Global Boss Area.

Do ::global or click ctrl + g to teleport to global area and dig


Dig Near the slayer masters at home:

Teleport to slayer master by clicking on slayer skill, or do ::chests



Dig Coordinate Clues:

Coordinate: 3079, 3250

Draynor Village: Open teleport interface and click on citys, teleport to draynor village and run to market.

Picture will be added soon!



Hint of who to talk to, then answer the question:


NPC: The Group Ironman Guide has a question for you.

Location:  Use ::home

Question: What is Harry Potter's middle name?

Answer: james



anagrams talk to NPC:

Anagram: Drudi piSrit 

NPC: Druid Spirit

Location:  ::shops


Emote Clue:

Clue: Dance while wearing Frostbite Bow and Ocean Warrior Shield.


Happy grinding!