Minigame Guide [10.26.2024]
Minigames Guide
On Royal, we currently have 2 mini-games you can do. I will explain the mini-games and how to do them in this guide.
Elder Trials
To be able to get kills in this mini-game, you need to collect Stardust.
You can either mine the Shooting Star, or get Stardust from Star Dust boxes.
The Shooting Star spawns 30 minutes after it's mined. To get there, you can type ::star when it falls and it'll take you directly to it.

The Stardust box can be bought from the Cash Shop at ::shop.

There are 10 different rooms. Each room has a kill count requirement before you're allowed to move on to the next room.
All the bosses have the same amount of health, but the amount of tickets per kill you acquire increases with each room.
The shards you get from the NPCs are used to buy the Halcyon Elder Attachment. This is used to make Elder Halcyon, an untradable version of Halcyon equipment that gives increased stats.

This is the only way you can grind out the Elder Shards and Attachments.
The Catacombs
This mini-game gives a whole new reason to grind slayer! To start, you have a chance of receiving an insignia when completing a slayer task. The rates are:
Sumona - 1/20
Tristram - 1/25
Archaic - 1/30
Amethyst - 1/35
Eclipse - 1/40
Once you have an insignia, you'll teleport to the mini-game and click on the portal. This will spawn a boss depending on the insignia you have.
Each boss drops an Undead Barrage depending on the insignia you use.
The Undead Barrage provides you a hidden boost while on any slayer task.
The item must be in your inventory and they do not stack. Only the highest tier barrage you own will count.
Undead Barrage T1 - 4x4 AOE, 100 DR, 50 DDR
Undead Barrage T2 - 5x5 AOE, 200 DR, 100 DDR
Undead Barrage T3 - 6x6 AOE, 300 DR, 150 DDR
Undead Barrage T4 - 7x7 AOE, 400 DR, 200 DDR
Undead Barrage T5 - 8x8 AOE, 500 DR, 250 DDR
Undead Barrage T6 - 9x9 AOE, 600 DR, 300 DDR
Undead Barrage T7 - 9x9 AOE, 700 DR, 350 DDR