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Godly Raid [10.25.2024]

Godly Raids

In this raid you have 5 room you need to complete to finish up the raids to start the raid open teleport click on raid tab and click on the Godly raid and hit teleport
when you enter the lobby talk to Godly Raid Master to open the interface 


Join Raids

If you want to join a party you talk to Godly Raid Master click on join, search type the name in and join



Pvm Room

In this room you need to kill all the npc here to unlock the portal in the middle to enter next room



Obelisk Room

In this room you need to activate the Obelisk and watch the order of the light at the pillars and click on them in the right order to unlock next room



Dig Room

In this room you need to click on the spade and grap a spade, then run around and dig until you find the Orb, then use the orb on the portal to unlock next room



Dart Room

In this room you first need to kill the npc to get the arrows then you need to go to wall and open the Darthboard, now you need to try hit the bulls eye (the green center)
how you do this is look at the arrow in top right corner it show if you need to point the bow from.

If the arrow show ←- you need to point it from right to left

If the arrow show → you need to point it from left to right

Then you can see a number under the arrow that you need to calculate the circles, each circle is counted as 1.
etc green circle is 1, yellow is 2 the 2 red ones is 3 and 4 and so on.
on the gif below you can see I got the number 8 then I need to point it 8 circle out from the green center and get the the green bar close to perfect as you can get then hit enter to unlock next room



Skill Room


In this room there is 4 task you need to complete before you can enter next room
Thieving lvl 90
Fishing lvl 90
Mining lvl 90
Wc lvl 90
this is the the req you need to complete the skilling room



When you finish all the rooms you will be tele out to lobby and you finished the raids and will gain your reward

Raid Key Loot Adjustment

The Godly Raid now gives 1-3 keys per raid

Enchanted donator gets + 1 key

Demonic donator gets + 2 keys

Royal donator gets + 3 keys

Overlord donator gets + 4 keys

Godly donator gets + 5 keys