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Hellion Raid [10.25.2024]

Hellion Raids Guide.

To unlock Hellion raid you need to create the Hellion raid unlock, click on the upgrading skill and go to tier 11


Now you unlocked the Hellion raid and can now teleport to the Hellion raid open ctr+t choose raids, click on Hellion raid and then click teleport.


You now want to speak to the Hellion Raid Master to make a raid party. You can create your own or join another player's raid.


How to join another player's party.

Talk to Hellion Raid Master, click on search, enter the player's name click on the name and then click join.



The raid has 4 different rooms you need to complete to finish the raid.


1 Room

Click on the purple portal to enter the first room.
in this room, you will kill the Skeleton to collect the Skeleton Bone. When you get the skeleton bone, you enter the portal to get back to the lobby and the first room is completed.


2 Room

Enter the purple portal again and you can now see the first room is completed, make sure to finish room 1 before u can enter room 2.

In room 2 you will kill the Enchanted Demon and you will get a Demonic Sigil, after you kill the Demonic click on the portal and teleport back to the lobby


3 Room

Enter the purple portal again and enter room 3, in this room, you will need to use the runecrafting skill to complete the room, make sure there is a level requirement of level 80 Runecrafting to finish this room.

When you have siphoned 75 orbs the room is completed and you can enter the portal to get back to the raid lobby.



4 Room

In the last room you will have to kill the Hellion Demon to claim a key to use on the power furnace.


After you click on the power furnace you will be teleported out to the lobby and get raid keys as a reward, the number of keys u get will be different by the donation rank you have.