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Royal Starter Guide [10.26.2024]




You have a few options!

It's important to note that both the Knight & Iron Man modes have multipled DR/DDR by 20%

This means if your drop rate is 1000% on these modes, it actually becomes 1200%!

This is a great long-term game plan but the XP rate on these modes is much slower.


You must understand the direction of the game!

There are two path ways: Slayer and Bosses

From slayer, you will obtain accessories.

From bosses, you will obtain gear/weapons.



We have a progression system in-game to help players catch up! Simply do ::progress and complete the tasks.

Once you complete the tasks, remember to claim the "Ultimate Prize" at the bottom of the interface!



Royal has a fully working boss instance system.

Use ctr+i to open this instance or click the instance ticket items.

You can do instances in 1x1, 2x2 or 4x4 grids

The lower the grid, the less the cost is.


To collect instance tickets, the best way is to kill ALL Global Bosses.

You can also buy the upgraded Elite Instance Tickets from the Cash Shop at ::shops.

This ticket gives you double the spawns of a normal Instance Ticket!



With this skill, you can create orbs that increase your DR [Drop Rate] and DDR [Double Drop Rate].

Click the skill in the skills tab to teleport to the Gem Mine.

Mine gems here, and then use a chisel on them to cut them!

After this, bring the gems to the Obelisk at home (east of ::home, right above ::global).

You can then enchant the orbs.

For the orbs to work, you have to keep them in your inventory.

NOTE - The different orbs have different DR and DDR increases.

Below are the required skill levels and what DR and DDR each orb gives:


Sapphire Orbs - 1 Mining, 20 Crafting, 1 Enchanting - 150 DR, 75 DDR

Emerald Orbs - 21 Mining, 27 Crafting, 27 Enchanting - 250 DR, 175 DDR

Ruby Orbs - 47 Mining, 34 Crafting, 53 Enchanting - 350 DR, 275 DDR

Diamond Orbs - 67 Mining, 43 Crafting, 69 Enchanting - 450 DR, 275 DDR

Dragonstone Orbs - 80 Mining, 55 Crafting, 81 Enchanting - 550 DR, 375 DDR

Onyx Orbs - 93 Mining, 67 Crafting, 96 Enchanting - 650 DR, 475 DDR


Every attack you do, 10 orbs are used per NPC.

Getting Enchanting to 99 is important due to the Max Cape.

Getting 99 in ALL skills allows you to purchase and wear the Max Cape, which is our current 2nd best cape!

You can also get these orbs from killing Global Bosses, or purchasing them from the Cash Shop at ::shops.



Player Owned Shops, or POS for short, is your one-stop shop to buy and sell items from other players.

Almost every item in the game is tradeable! And if it's tradeable, someone's selling it.

To access it, simply type ::pos and hit enter.



You can also manage your shop by selecting "Manage My Shop"

You can also get there by clicking "My Shop" in the top left corner of the interface.



You can breed all pets in the game. Bring your pet to the pet breeder, and she will give you Breeding Tokens & Breeding Experience



Collect your breeding tokens and spend them in this shop for other pets! (There will be some super ultra luxury pets in the future)


There is also another benefit of Pet breeding!

All benefits that your pet has will be multiplied by 1.02x for each breeding level you have obtained.

So if your pet has a 10% drop rate and you are level 10 breeding your pet will actually provide you with 12% drop rate. 



Complete daily tasks using ::dailys for extra rewards and benefits!



On Royal, you can upgrade items.

To open the upgrader, click the Upgrade skill in the skills tab.



Use ::streaks to access the vote streak rewards.

Vote daily to collect rewards!



The Season Pass is another way to get amazing rewards for simply playing the game! To start your Season off, you need to claim either a Silver or a Gold Season Pass.

You can use ::freesp for a free Silver Pass to get your start, or talk to lumo at home for a free silver pass.

You can get Gold Season Passes from the following:

Vote shop - 100 points

Daily Task shop - 1000 points

Royal Warrior global boss drop - 1/33 drop chance

Voting Golem global boss - 1/100 drop chance

The season pass lasts 30 days and gives significant rewards!

To progress in your season pass, you have to gain XP in it. Below are the current ways to gain experience. Popular methods are doing global bosses, voting daily and completing your Daily Tasks, as these give a large chunk of XP toward your season pass.



After you have completed the Gold Season Pass you can access the Season pass zone.

This is by using the season pass tome (last reward of the gold season pass)

Each Season Pass zone comes with a variety of rewards, mainly bonds and cosmetics. So make sure not to miss out on completing your Season Pass!



Make a wish once every 24 hours for 50,000 1m coins (50b)!

This will increase your Drop Rate by 20K



The Well of Goodwill can be accessed by typing ::well.

The purpose of the well is to increase the entire server's damage, drop rate, double drop rate and experience. The well holds 10T coins, but must be donated with 1M(million) coins.